Debunking Underfloor
Heating Myths
Underfloor heating is gaining popularity as a modern heating solution. However, there are still many misconceptions and concerns about buying and installing underfloor heating. We are here to dispel some of those common myths so you can feel less cautious and more confident about underfloor heating.

1. Underfloor Heating Isn’t an Efficient Way to Heat Your Home
Conflicting to what you may believe, underfloor heating is a very efficient way to heat your home. Underfloor heating can be highly efficient due to several factors.
Firstly, it distributes heat evenly across the entire floor surface, ensuring consistent warmth throughout the room. This method of heat distribution reduces the need for higher temperatures, as the warmth is spread more evenly compared to traditional radiators, which can create hot spots and cold zones.
Additionally, underfloor heating is particularly well-suited for use with renewable energy sources such as solar thermal systems or ground-source heat pumps. These can further improve its environmental and economic efficiency.
Find out more ways you can maximise your underfloor heating system
2. Underfloor Heating Is Expensive
A common misconception about underfloor heating is that it's expensive in comparison to other heating solutions. However, it's actually much more cost-efficient than many people believe.
Yes, the initial cost can sometimes be costly, but over time you will see how by installing underfloor heating you can save money.
Underfloor heating operates at lower temperatures than conventional heating systems. For example, water-based underfloor heating systems typically run at temperatures between 27-35°C, whereas radiators often require temperatures of 60-75°C. This lower operating temperature can lead to significant energy savings. Advanced thermostatic controls and smart home technology can optimize the system’s performance by allowing you to adjust your heating schedule on the go.
3. Underfloor Heating Can Only Be Installed On Ground Floors
Underfloor heating can be installed on multiple floors and in various places you might not have considered before. Installing underfloor heating on multiple floors not only provides added comfort to your home, but can also improve the efficiency of your chosen heating solution.
Many people aren't aware that you can install underfloor heating in walls and places such as shower benches to add some extra luxury.
Find out more ways you can maximise your underfloor heating system
4. Underfloor Heating Can Only Be Installed in New Builds
People often believe underfloor heating is only possible in new builds due to its association with modern heating solutions. Fortunately, this is not the case.
You can most definitely install underfloor heating in an older house through a process known as retrofitting. Although this process is not as simple as installing underfloor heating in a new build, it is often done and provides great results, adding value to your property.
5. Underfloor Heating Takes a Long Time to Heat Up
Many people consider underfloor heating to have a longer heat-up period in comparison to other heating systems. As with many heating systems, once turned on it won't be instantly hot and will take some time to heat up. Whilst the first initial commissioning of starting up an underfloor heating system can take quite some time, after this initial start-up, waiting for a warm house will be a thing of the past.
Once you have your system running, the most cost and time efficient solution is to always leave your heating on at a low base level temperature, meaning you can easily adjust the temperature up or down depending on your desired ambient temperature. By doing this it will take less time to warm up and will use less energy trying to reheat the system, saving you money on costly bills.

6. You Can't Install Underfloor Heating if You Have Wooden Floors
People often believe that you cannot have underfloor heating if you have wooden floors because it could be considered dangerous or could damage your floors. This is not true, and we are here to debunk this myth.
You can indeed use wooden flooring with both water and electric underfloor heating systems. Hardwood flooring is effective at retaining heat to release into your room as it has great natural abilities to conduct heat. Another benefit is that it has a quick heat-up time, bringing comfort and warmth to your home in no time.
7. You Can't Install Underfloor Heating With Carpet
A lot of people think that it's not compatible to have underfloor heating in a carpeted room. The reason for this is people assume you will not feel the benefits or warmth produced as well as you would if you had a hardwood floor.
The truth is underfloor heating works well under most flooring. The only exception to this would be carpet with a high tog value.
Find out more about what systems are suitable for your floor finishes